Aethusa just stood there looking back, suddenly something black formed around the trees coming towards her. Her eyes wide as she watched the others in the cave. She realized that the twister was heading towards the others. She looked around. She could barely keep herself on the ground. Her dagger flashed in the wind, she covered her eyes and climbed behind a rock as quick as she could. She got down and covered suddenly the wind switched directions, and it head right towards her she dug her dagger into the ground knowing that it wouldn't be enough, but she just had to hold on. Her fur blowing rabidly as she felt the rest of her body fly up into the air. she dug her hind claws into the ground and lowered her body. This is it isn't it? The end of me? I should do something, before the tornado gets to close. She watched it come towards her, she dashed into the forest and then quickly turned around going towards the others, would she make it?

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