I must be straight...
Adonia listened with intent to Tharin as he spoke of the attacks with little detail, it was just a brief explanation and that was enough for her. She noted his expression at finding out she was not an unaffected wolf, and she wondered if that would affect their relationship. She knew some of her father's family was still pure, and most of them ignored her, pretending she didn't exist. Her grandmother the worst, she would snap at her and force her to submit, and she wasn't allowed to be in her optime form around her. It was horrible disrespect to her elder.

She gave a light smile to him at his comment, "...Ya' don't know what you're missing, but I know...and I'm sure you've taken notice of this...I prefer my lupine form. I only use my 'two-legged' form for things that I can't do in Lupine...it's really a tool to me.." Her two-toned eyes seemed to make a soft shimmer as she thought of the things she's done in the form she knew would never be able to be done in her other two.

Her mind was brought back to her surroundings as Tharin's body touched hers and she glanced up her eyes meeting his for a moment, "..yes, I'm okay...just worried about Ookami...we had a discussion..about yes, and he brought you up..and asked me about you and I..." Her ears went back, "I wasn't going to say anything, but I couldn't lie..or fudge over the truth.." Her ears pinned back as she sat tensed, her tail tucking close to her. She hoped he wouldn't be upset with her, but it would eat her up keeping a secret. Her eyes glanced up as she submissively looked toward Tharin.

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