Pick up Put down

WC: 466 OOC: Is ok!! <3

Niro was relieved to hear Maggie’s words. He wanted to be a family again yes, though she seemed to settle well here. The trip would be a long one and he would not expect to see them everyday. He would, of course come to see them as much as he could. His short tale seemed to intrigue the woman and he smiled

“And the bears they were bigger than the ones we see here! one could grab me and just crush me with one squeeze, but they were not brown or even black, but white. It really was amazing. The pups came later as a surprise and we were stuck after a snowstorm but it was nice being just us, though we missed everyone dearly. It took us many months to get back because the pups were not travel ready and they get tired so easy even if they were being carried”

He chuckled a little at the thought of little Tasha always yawning the whole journey. Though that smile went away as Maggie explained the situation that Foxglove that was in. Niro was sad. He closed his eyes remembering the night he and his pack saved her and the other prisoners.

“Yes, me and the miracles pack went to save them. She stayed with us for a while, but insisted on leaving. I am sad that she feels as she does and I hope she knows she is welcome with me in the miracles pack. But I do think it best that she stays with someone she knows far better. Im glad someone can keep an eye on her.

He wanted to deman the woman go get foxglove now, so that he could see her for himself, but that was no way fro him to react. His children were grown and as much as he helped in the past... He closed his eyes, willing himself to be strong.

“If you could tell her Hello for me, that I miss her, and you just be yourself around her. Maybe seeing something ofa past and a good life you seem to be having might make her feel better. She needs to feel wanted.”

Niro said. He heard what and why they were being captive and though he did not know the whole story of any individuals he knew that their treatment was horrible. At least they were gone and would never return because if they did Niro vowed to kill them. He took his attention back on the pups who were squirming around over each other, acting just as young pups did. He hoped that they weren’t brought into a sad world. He wondered if the human world was any better than this one.

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Table by Meghann!


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