dripping in gold
Word Count :: ---

Even Thorn sometimes forgot how old he was and at times had a younger spring in his step than others. Tipping his head in a nod he took back the flask and after taking a swig himself placed it back into the top pocket of his kilt. She had apologized and said she didn't know of these packs and the white and black male's face fell just slightly. Like a poker face being peeled away, he swallowed a growing lump in his throat before uttering, rather quietly, "So dats how much things have changed." He remembered the glorious ship, the glorious pack that had formed from the Europeans landing on Souls' shores. He remembered Fatin, Salvaged, Endymion, Valerik, Rurik… the list trickled on and on before she continued to speak about her own pack.

Lifting his fedora and running a hand through his mane before replacing it he smiled, this Salsola reminded him slightly of his homeland. Their clan had also been somewhat secretive but still allowed the odd outsider in. If only this allowed the bloodlines to run clean and free of the impurities that incest brought about. "It sounds like a wonderful place you live in. My own homeland sounds similar and we too have pack secrets that are kept close to our chests. We have religion as well that brings great power to our lands during even the most miserable winters." Thorn wasn't about to poke and prod to get more information, she seemed rather determined to keep that to herself and he didn't want the pretty lady to get in trouble for divulging it. "I'm Thorn Russo, from across the ocean. Is there anything else you can tell me about the other packs? I'm willing to pay for any information…" He dipped a paw into his pocket and pulled out the now shiny chain. It had taken time to polish off the rust but he doubted it looked anything less than shiny.

Photo courtesy of fatedsnowfox

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