I'll always hold your hand..

I can do! :3

Word Count → 000

His eyes looked up after Roath walked away, his eyes looked back to Sidra, "I wanted to let you know, Roath isn't being rude...he doesn't speak because he cannot...his owner before I rescued him from her cut out his tongue. He doesn't like it mentioned, for obvious reasons...and it took me all my control to not cut her down right where she stood, but Roath was under her control and would have had him attack me...so, logic told me better. I purchased him from her, and now I am about to grant him his freedom....but I would like to lead on the woman to think I will keep my word and keep him as a slave...though, he is a free man in training.." He winked with a wide charming smile. It was then that the two had become locked in a moment of intensity before his words broke the spell and they then broke contact and she readied in a position.

Aro chuckled aloud. He used his sword 90% of the time but that wasn't because he was inefficient at hand to hand. "Oh, baby, hand to hand?" He began in a sarcastic banter, "...I might as well forfeit.." He said as he looked down and then made sure the safety leather was wrapped on his sword. Her then stretched out his arms and back, then he gave a crooked smile to the beautiful spotted and striped woman before him, fists balled and ready. His left arm laid relaxed as his right came out palm flat to the sky, and then he waved her to him with his four fingers. "Bring it babe.." His low baritone voice rumbled out.

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