I'll always hold your hand..

No worries, I'm not the best at 'fight scenes' either :3

Word Count → 000

His eyes looked into hers, and he found they were looking deeper than he intended. It was like her eyes were sucking him into them, he was staring at her soul, seeing her deeper than he thought possible. Her words, her voice making him smile. He gave a light laugh, "Yeah...it wasn't easy.." His baritone voice coming out as if he was distracted by something, but that something was her. He had an urge to bring her closer, hug her...run his hand along her cheek and muzzle..but he blinked and looked away from her. Their spar the focus as she had talked so much shit. He wasn't innocent, either. He could talk his fair share too.

Both were ready, and he gave the signal. Sidra seemed to maul over her move and he watched her. His stare reflecting a mixture of confidence, him challenging her, and him calculating her. The beauty charged him, fist drawn. Oh, she thought him stupid. It was too easy, too bold. He had so many options to take her down and knowing her to have been a loner for however long, he knew this would be too easy if she was going to open with that move. So he made no motion to counter her, like when he fought with his sister he began to make himself limp...just in case she was going to follow through with such a easy move. Just as he thought, she dropped down, her leg sweeping out to trip him. His mind moved like lightening speed. He had several options, and his mind chose a much more show boaty move. His smile came and he did a half cartwheel toward her sweeping leg, allowing her leg to sweep the closest out from beneath him.

One arm coming to the ground just where her leg swept, once his last leg left the ground (the leg she swept off the ground), his hand pushed harshly from the earth making him airborne, but only for a split second as he shifted his weight to make him land feet first behind her. He was quick, and he'd show her that despite his size he could move...but she saw a glimpse of that when they first met. Once his feet hit earth he let his legs bend to go with his weight as his body landed. It was easier on the legs, and plus he wanted to be at her level so his arms could easily grapple her, either in a head lock, or sleeper hold. However he was going to grab her, it was to restrain her. He just knew he had to do it quickly.

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