[p] but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey

The woman blinked at what he said. Though they were laced with reality, she found it hard to get a grip around them. What he said as true, and there was nothing to prove him wrong nor was there an urge to. The past months were proof enough for his words. Yet, she wished that things could be different. All she could do was wish; she knew that the ways would probably never change, that there will always be that primitive, instinctual, natural rift between the species. But, she just wished that it did not need to be coated with the blood of her kin.

She began to poke and prod the wooden reminder around her neck, and murmured, "What kind of god would wish to kill something, Ithiel? I thought that they were supposed to love everyone, even the sinners." She spoke metaphorically, of course, but whenever she spoke about the Boreas, the thought of their god would always come to mind. "How can a wolf, or any canine for that matter, believe in some being that told to them to hurt someone that was supposedly damned? Would you?" Faith was a curious thing, indeed. Was it strange to her to believe in something you could not see? Perhaps. Though her question was not spiteful, it was not spoken with much cheer; the thought of the dusky man following the supposedly same being as the wolves confused her greatly, and thought her curiosity was not harmful.


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