I must be straight...
Tharin listened politely as Adonia spoke. He did view it as a complication, but he had never experienced it either. Tharin just couldn't comprehend what it would be like to have a whole world opened up to him, experiencing it on two legs. It was hard enough for him to accept what he saw and experienced on four paws, with all the changes to the world that he experienced. Tharin might have adapted, but his uneasiness around those on two legs still came out occasionally. At least he didn't throw up when someone shifted before him anymore.

Draw? He had no idea what that was, but the offer sounded nice. Tharin nodded his head, flashing a smile at Adonia. I'd like that. What would she bring him? He was curious. His eyes widened as she spoke, taking in what she was saying. The attraction from the heat, the attraction to her soft personality and how unusual she was hadn't faded. To hear her speak of that was startling. Tharin took a step back, knowing that if given the chance he would not be able to hold back. Adonia...you shouldn't have said that. It was easier when I didn't know.

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