seven years bad luck
Her tantrum had drawn to a close as she'd worn herself out crying tears and screaming. The soft sobs that soaked into his pelt were weakening though she was never given a reason for the question she asked. She'd thought by now he'd have lashed out at her, leaving her brusied and broken as she felt. She was hurt and confused, just the emotions a child should feel yet she couldn't pinpoint why she felt thus right now. Her emerald eyes closed tight as she was pressed against his chest, the still seeping wounds she'd recked upon his flesh tinting her cheeks red as she felt his muzzle softly touch the top of her head.

She was a force to be dealt with could it have been any other soul, but when it was Haku and in the circumstances present she was just another spoiled brat who'd been caught out and was being punished. She knew she deserved to be punished but the hand she was given wasn't enough in her eyes. She knew what the male was capable of and she hadn't felt bit a fraction of the punishment she deserved.

A shudder passed down her spine as his hand softly slid along her back. She raised her head up expecting to be slapped at the least, yet nothing happened. She'd been about to open her eyes when his arms released her from their enclosure. Suddenly his hands were between them and she felt the force of his hands as he separated her hold from his chest. A rather gentle push and then he was gone. She felt a void ripping her apart as she fell to her knees, the weeping she thought was over flooded the banks again as she brought her bloodly hands up to cover her eyes as the tears rolled again.

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