So Many New Faces


After calling him out, Mido impatiently awaited some form of advance from the male. The grey wolf came off as a bit cautious or nervous when he first started, as if he were going to hurt the Marbas. The multicolored mix had sunk a good deal of time into training with the sword on his own, especially after his outburst on Axelle. Don’t hold back on my account. He briefly advised the Zepar. It took little to no time before the wolf changed up his repertoire. He doubled up the swings and increased his speed, he created a series of horizontal and vertical attacks. It looked as if the male had become more comfortable the more he worked at it. The new guy was a little uncertain about himself and asked for critiques. There wasn’t too much wrong with what he was doing, his stance was good and he held himself pretty well for having no prior experience. You’re doing pretty good, you can improve the accuracy power of your strikes by not stopping at blade contact. Aim past the blade, if you’re in a real fight your intention is to get your opponent and not their weapon.

Speaking up it sounded like Lance was enjoying the adrenaline rush, granted the Marbas was nowhere near the high that the new guy experienced he still loved this kind of interaction. I assume you’re enjoying this. It didn’t take too long before fatigue started to set in. The Zepar requested they take a break. He didn’t see the harm in it; he was no slave driver after all. You want a break? You’ve earned it, I don’t see why not. The Huskadore was nothing short of impressed with him. Had the male wolf been a warrior he probably would have suggested otherwise for the sake of training.


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