So Many New Faces
OOC-I think i'm dead. lance just challenged Alaki to spar.-_-
_________________________________________________________________________________"Thanks. I don't think I could have gone much longer. It just hit me." Lance walked over to grab his satchel that he had lain down just before sparring. He rummaged through it and retrieved two pristine looking canteens full of water. He walked back over to Mido and handed him one."Here. I know you have to be thirsty." Lance took a big gulp of his canteen and it was very refreshing. Especially after wearing himself out."So how long have you been in the pack. From the looks of it maybe a while. You seem to have a feel of the place pretty well" He looked down as his hands and they were shaking involuntarily."They must still be excited. Have to calm them down." Lance tucked his arms into his legs and sat Indian style. He could feel his hands vibrations.

"You know, this may become a daily routine for me. With practice maybe I can be as good as Mido but i doubt it." He gave a sheepish smile to Mido and chuckled. "This must be a game to him. He most likely had no threat from me but who would. I don't seem very threatening."

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