playing with the shadows

If I had words to make a day for you,

I'd give you a morning, golden and true.

I would make this day last for all time,

Give you a night deep in moonshine.

<3333 tell me about it!

The small smile settled onto the Stormbringers lips as Colibri settled down on the floor. He could almost see the sigh of relief as he body sagged slightly and for a moment, Saul thought he could see a slight pouch to her lean body. It must have been the light, or the way she was sat, because when he took another look she appeared perfectly normal. Her usually stuttered words aimed to soothe him, but he could see that there certainly was something wrong. He wouldn't push her- they were both here to seek solace and there was no point in trying to force the 'right' answer from her. So he nodded his head instead, a pleasant half smile on his face as he returned the sentiment. Its a pleasure as always to see you Coli. And it was the truth- he enjoyed the females company, especially out in the garden they'd made together.

There appeared to be a bit more light in the females eyes at Saul's question and he couldn't quite suppress the grin as she began to point out the plants. His grin dipped slightly as she mentioned Amy- he'd heard from Lilin and Niernan about the blonde dogs insistence that Vinátta trade with her. He wasn't too pleased that she'd turned up again, but decided against telling Colibri. There was little point in warning her away from something she'd already done. Instead, he tuned in to the Soul's words and was happy to get a lesson from her. He'd heard of Meadowsweet but he'd never been able to find any and Sage was a good plant to have to keep away most infections. He laughed accordingly when Coli mentioned Catnip and Ciaran's response to it, although he'd never seen a cat respond to it.

I think our little herb garden is coming along nicely. I'm glad you managed to find a few plants that I haven't used before... its good experience. He chuckled, reaching over to touch the furry leaves of the Sage leaves. He was glad Coli had mentioned how they should be taken, mentally noting it in case he needed it. He knew he'd come to rely on his Witchhazel and Marigold to stop infection and as an anti-septic and it would be good to have a few more options under his belt. A comfortable silence fell over them, one that had often fell between the pair when gardening together. There was no need to fill it and Saul busied himself pulling the sparse brown leaves from a chamomile plant that had perhaps a touch too much sun.

He knew it wouldn't be long before she confessed and in a few short moments, her timid words interrupted him. He glanced back as she admitted that something might be wrong. Concern for his Hollr overtook his green eyes as he looked at her again, visually trying to pick out what could be wrong with her. He stopped and listened to her, mentally taking note of the symptoms she'd described. Fatigue was a symptom of a myriad of illnesses. Of course, Saul couldn't quite help the clench of his stomach, the twist of his heart. The thought popped into his head so swiftly that he thought it unrelated, before he really considered it.

His conversation with Fritz flashed before him, in perfect clarity. Apparently Fang is his personality that rapes women.. Though they had no solid proof that it had been Toby or Fang that had attacked Coli, Saul was suddenly sure it had been him. And with that realisation came the gut wrenching certainty that his subconscious had thrown him his answer. He coughed, his throat tight around the words he was finding difficult to say. Coli... He coughed again, trying to clear his throat. Coli... Fritz thought he recognises your attacker as the black dog by the name of Toby... and his alternative personality called Fang... Fritz... well.. Fang is known for raping females. He managed, before he could look up to her. Did he... did he just attack you, Coli... or were you raped too? He questioned, the dread tightening his stomach into painful knots, his muscles tensing automatically as he looked across at the female, an odd mix of horror and concern in his emerald gaze.

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