Show Me What You Can Do

The Huskadore’s call disappeared into the air, the seconds the past felt much longer then they really were. What if no one answers, I’ll have wasted a trip and a couple days of my time. Time I could have been doing something useful with, like spending time with Sammie. He started to think negatively, the worst case scenario in his eyes. He moved to turn and leave when the howl of one of the unknown pack inhabitants reached his ears. He smiled, and patiently awaited their presence. Mido watched the canine come into view and approach him steadily. The male was a silver pelted wolf with additive colors here and there, an intriguing individual really.

The Marbas listened intently as the mystery man spoke, taking note of the pack’s name. Searching for the right choice of words he thought about his answer. Well, technically I was searching for you, maybe not you specifically, but your pack. It sounded okay to him thus far. My name is Mido and I’m one of the warriors from Anathema. He explained trying to shed some light on his reason for being on the edge of New Dawns territory. I haven’t had the chance to visit another pack; I was hoping to learn something about another group of canines. Maybe meet some other warriors. The mix had an un quenched thirst for experience and knowledge. Do you have a name that I can call you by? The Anatheman still didn’t know the man’s name.


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