News of new life
She was a captive woman now surrounded by walls of concern and caring and despite it all and how ungrateful it was of her she was starting to feel smothered and suffocated by it. There was nowhere that she could turn that a worried face peered at her from. Her dizziness had only gotten worse and she was reliant on her staff to walk at all otherwise she found herself forced to the nearest solid upright structure to lean against as her vision swam before her eyes.

The children contained within her wriggled about fiercely, making her stomach roll and nausea rise. Her gorge rose and the arctic woman struggled to hold down her last meal that churned uneasily in her belly. She leaned against the door frame and breathed in the outside air frantically, feeling incredibly run down and exhausted. She shut her eyes for a moment, resting her head on the cool wood. Why was it so hard this time around. She allowed herself the smallest fraction of self pity before forcing herself to perk up and stand tall.

Neela's voice interrupted her thoughts and she lumbered about slowly, staring off into the distance as though her gaze could pierce the length of trees and hills that stretched between her house and the borders. It was a call for her and despite her aching body and tired mind she was excited. It took her a long time to plod her way to the borders but eventually she made it, even more tired than before now she had to lean against her staff to stay upright. Her tail wagged slowly as she greeted her old friend. It was too good to be true that her friend had a similar surprise for her in her rounded stomach.

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