New Friend
wc :: 2+ ::

Who was this woman that smelled like the blonde man? Why was she here? Why did she look so tired and sad, and where was Skoll? Visitors were meant to have a chaperone at all times in the court, perhaps she was joining or maybe a new member! Heiro’s mind buzzed with many questions, but he reeled his energy in realizing this woman might not be in the mood for such childish antics. He kept his mouth shut and waited for her answer. When it came, he tried saying the name in his head, not wanting to ruin it once he said it out loud. Adeh...Adelluh...Ade... he wouldn’t even try her last name as her first was enough with the L sounds.

The way she stalled over questions over Skoll only served to confuse the child. Why would anyone be embarrassed to be friends with Skoll? Pleased to meetcha Adelle, extra emphasis on the L sounds as he really tried to pronounce her name correctly. Skoll’s my friend too! He chirped, feeling this similarity would help the woman loosen up a bit. We can look for him t’gedder if you’d like? Heiro offered before asking her another question. Where ya from? It eventually needed to be asked. The young Catori knew she wasn’t a pack member and he couldn’t smell any other court members on her other than his Uncle. She had to be a visitor, but from where?

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