i'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
'Told y'. Fell off' he murmured, sinking into the mattress. His ears were low against his matted mane, blood twisted the curly locks together. That'd be a bitch to wash out in the morning. He would have done it now while the blood wasn't so crusted together, had it not been for the fact he just didn't have the energy to do that at the moment. Ochre eyes floated towards Neela sleepily, pulling her closer to his good side, his right side, with a working arm and spoke, 'Y'know. Hadley's got a kid too. Lil' girl. Kinda makes me a lil' excited...' his sleepy Scottish drawl came out. Yet he refused to keep his eyes shut, blinking away the sleep and fear so that he could talk to his mate and pretend everything was fine. 'How're y' faring? Y'know...' Tony asked, gesturing loosely as if his hand would catch on find, or his tongue. He was still unsure as to how to approach the subject.

He paused a moment however, deciding to answer Neela's question in full. She deserved an answer. 'Fell off th' horse. Mil slid down 'a bank an' ah wen' under. Scrathed m'self up bad, eh?' he gave a half hearted grin, 'Can' feel nuffin in it, either...' Tony looked her up and down, 'An' y' shouldn' be rushin' 'round an' stayin' up late, like this. En't good fer y'...'

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