I must be straight...

She can still crush Tongue Don't worry, you already know she won't act on it.

Word Count → 000

She nipped him and he retaliated with a lick to her snout. She pawed her nose with a soft grin decorating her muzzle. Eyes glancing at him as he jumped back shaking his form. He looked so carefree while he took a seat. She flopped herself to her side and rose her head going into a half lay, front legs spread and her head laid itself in between them. Ears perked and eyes glancing up in his direction. He was a large male, but not as large as Ookami. Her eyes looked away, a yawn breaking from her, and her ears went to the sides of her head.

Emotionally drained and now slightly physically spent she felt a mid day name coming on, but more importantly she was hungry. Standing her hunger overpowered her tiredness. She too shook her pelt off. Eyes glancing back over to the closest friend she had. Trotting over she stood a little taller than she should have, her trot never slowing as she approached Tharin. Once within range she nipped his ear then took off toward the nearest water source. Her body pushing her to run as fast as she could knowing she might have upset him and ignited more play.

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to effika

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