From up here these city lights burn
mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        For a time, the she-bitch ignored him. Inattentiveness, or simply playing a game as well, toying with the male as he toyed with her. Finally, she spoke up and Samael paused where he was in mid-step, training crimson eyes on the female as she rose and turned to him. "Very good," he commended, flicking his brush tail in a manner similar to a cat. And like a cat, there was almost a disappointment evident as his prey had become aware of his presence, thus alleviating potential bloodshed. "You are less foolish than I believed." And now already, the prince was bored. Without a massacre and without a killing, his attention thus drifted, seeking things far more interesting. But gaze turned back on the dark pelted creature, watching her for a few moments more to see if anything interesting would happen.

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