if i cut off your arms, cut off your legs
mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        The puppy moved forward, intrigued by his presence and the hand extended toward him in a welcomg guesture. But before anything else could happen, another child came around the building, speaking loudly and arrogantly toward the first boy. Eyes narrowed, afraid for a moment his potential victim would be chased away, but the pale child turned toward the other, speaking in a language foreign to the coyote. The prince smirked at his words, watching as he moved past him toward the hospital. "Samael," he offered simply to the rust-hued boy. Then, turning toward the first, "Are you not frightened?" he asked quietly, regarding the white wolfling. He could see the look of longing in his eyes—the desire to brave the shadows and explore the depths of the building, and this caused a faint smile to curve the edges of his lips. He would walk willingly into his hands and not even know it. Curiosity killed the cat, or canine in this case.

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