[M] Stab yourself through the heart and bleed love

Looks like as good a time as any for me to post. <3

The screams and whines had drawn his attention. He was still for a moment, taking in the screams, the blood. For a horrific moment, he was reminded of Tameri, of the screams that had drawn him to the scene of her death. Was anyone dead? The thought shocked him, and he began moving. Who was injured most? Who needed help first? He was reminded of a conversation he and his mother had once, when he was younger. It had been about battlefield triage. He took in a sharp breath. He'd do none of them good panicking.

One. Exhale. Two. Exhale. Three. Exhale. Four. Exhale. Five. Exhale. The terror that had gripped him had cleared. Keldava was closest, but she shied away as he approached. Temo was struggling with Honrin, and Tal's clear mind knew the dark furred male wouldn't be able to both stitch and hold the young male down. He was grateful Myrddin was off somewhere, and not here.

His voice held the authority of his position as Overseer of the Council as he spoke to Temo. "Keep him pinned, I'll stitch him." For a moment he regretted using a harsh tone, regretted not being able to dull the pain of the boy's hurt until after the wounds were stitched. And then he pulled the hair of a horse's tail out of his sack, and a fine but strong needle. Deft fingers threaded the needle, his hands not showing a trace of the shock he'd felt before. He was still, solid as a rock, as he pinched the wound closed and began the gristly work.

Image courtesy of FlatWorldsEdge14@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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