[M] Stab yourself through the heart and bleed love
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

ooc text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

The pains in her stomach had started long ago as her time finally came but for the life of her, it had seemed to progress no further. She paced endlessly over the same stretch of hardwood floor, it seemed she walked so much she should be carving a hole in the floor with each pass back and forth. She was irritable, snort tempered and snappish, snarling whenever anyone spoke to her or rose their voice beyond a whisper. Her children had never seen her this way and neither had Temo really, it was an entirely new side of her. The arctic woman waited and she waited, growing more restless and more angry with each passing minute. Her rage was groundless for she had nothing to be so full of ire for.

Her muscles clenched up tight every time another spasm rippled through her but other than that she made no noise, no whimper or yelp, she endured with stoic silence. Then she seemed to hit some kind of critical point where her fury over boiled and she whirled upon her family as fast as her encumbered body could. Her voice was low, deadly poisonous and dangerous,


'Out now!' She even growled at them, the unreasonable spark in her eyes making her look all the more intimidating. As four of them backed away from the hormonal woman there was one who stepped closer. Honrin was not swayed by his mother's angry words, which she repeated to him whip sharp. His response was to murmur quietly to her in her now language that he would not leave her alone during this. As chivalrous as his behavior was it only escalated her temper. The woman contained her wrath for a handful of seconds before her fragile control snapped and with a manic sounding roar she lunged forwards, striking him across the face with her claws extended.

His skin split as easily as ripe fruit and blood exploded outwards covering herself and him in the thick crimson liquid. Honrin bellowed with pain and tried to propel himself backwards from his crazed mother but Jace was already going for him again, this time her teeth drawn back from her snarling maw, with the intent to bite and tear and rent.

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OOC here!

Dalgina still couldn't believe what had happened to her sister. It had scared her badly, returning to how she had been before. Tehu had done his best to draw her back out of her shell, but she had stayed in the house, as close to Mahn as she'd been able to get. When the pacing had started Dalgina had fallen completely silent, hiding herself in a far corner. Mahn was angry, very angry. She didn't know why, and it scared her.

The sudden exclamation sent Dalgina bolting from the house. She was scared, and shaken up, and her family wasn't as comforting as it was meant to be. Outside she leaned against the wall, arms wrapped tightly around her frame. A soft nudge touched her shortly after, and she looked up into Ovi's eyes. What's wrong? His gentle expression helped a little, Dalgina burying her head into his body, clinging for comfort.

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Life had really bad timing sometimes. Just as Keldava was starting to get a bit of confidence back and trust the world not to screw her over at every step her mother had entered the final stages of her pregnancy, causing the adolescent to go into palpitations of worry as she tried to figure out what was happening to her mother, at first she thought that Mahnaya was dying and even after it had been explained to her that the new pups were coming she was still worried out of her mind about the sheer amount of pain that she seemed to be going through.

Keldava grew more and more worried as time went on and Mahnaya became more and more angry; the timidness and fear of anger that she had been experiencing and thought she had mostly gotten over pulling itself to the surface. She hated seeing Mahnaya in pain like this and she hated that she was scared of her own mother, but despite how much she hated the situation she couldn’t fight against her own fears. By the time Mahnaya snapped at them to leave she was a nervous wreck and almost joined ‘Gina as her sister fled past her in a blur of black, racing for the door. She stopped when she noticed a flash of white moving not towards Mahnaya but away from her, ‘Rin.

Even as time seemed to slow down and she watched the events unfolding in slow motion Keldava, frozen in place, could hardly believe what was happening as Mahnaya snarled and swung her claws towards ‘Rin. It was only when the claws actually struck and the smell of ‘Rin’s blood filled the room, thick and pungeant, that she was shocked into action.

Suddenly the woman standing before her wasn’t her mother anymore, not her beloved Mahnaya. She was an attacked, someone who had wounded her sibling and was trying to so so even more. Snarling Keldava shot forwards and struck. Putting all that Mahnaya had taught her into action she swung a solid blow forwards, intercepting the snapping jaws with her fist. Keldava hissed in pain as the teeth hit her hand, flaying flesh from her fingers and the back of her hand but for the moment the pain was diluted and her vision odd, like she was a passenger in her own body.

Keldava wrapped her mauled arm around ‘Rin, trying to drag her brother back even as she sent a kick outwards, trying to drive off the snarling demon that seemed to have possessed her mother.

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wc: 427
Pain. Pain was all he knew as his skin tore and blood blossomed forth. His world turned red and for a moment he could see his own death as his worshiped mother came at him a second time meaning to do him even more harm. He was horror struck and stuck to the spot, unable to move as she closed in. And then there was a shield of black and tan in between them and his mother yelped in pain along with Keldava's hissing sound. There was a thud as Jace hit the wall from the force of Keldava's counter attack.

Then she turned a powerful arm came around him and he saw his father's horrified face and Pandora's shocked expression. Then he was outside in the rapidly approaching night and he struggled to free himself from Keldava's grip. The Denahlii boy stumbled to the ground, landing on all fours, barely even aware of Dalgina and her feline friend. Blood poured from his lacerated face and split lips, bleeding nose, dousing the grass below him crimson as he struggled to breathe through the thick liquid. Underneath his fur his skin began to pale and even the black of his lips seemed to lighten in color as mroe and more blood drained from him.

| +411

The tension in the house was thick, almost thick enough to cut with a knife. It was something that he did not like and tried to avoid. This time he could not avoid it because it was his own family that was involved. His mate, His Jace was not feeling well and the pain she was feeling was making her irritable. He also knew that it was time, time for the new litter to be born. He had expected that there might be some issues and that their first litter may have to move out, but what was going to unfold would not be something that he would not be expecting.

The events that unfolded before Temo was more severe than he would have ever dreamed of that could happen. He would never had dreamed that Jace would have turned onto one of her own family with such anger and violence for any reason. Even when she paced and he could feel that she was getting upset he did not think things would get as bad as they did when she laid open his son's face.

It seemed like forever after all the children were vacated from the house that he debated with himself as to what he should do. It pained him to have seen what had just happened and it was beyond his experience. He did not know what to do as his eyes moved back and fourth between the door that the others went out of and Jace. It was only a few moments in real time and between the fight and the look in Jace's eyes, he thought it best not to approach her in her condition and it looked like she did not suffer to much injury from the scuffle.

He decided that Honrin could use some assistance and he grabbed some rags from the kitchen that he knew were clean and scooted out the door following his children. It was not hard to locate Honrin as he had not gone far and quickly moved next to him, opposite Keldava, one of his hands set on the back of his son's head so he could not jerk it away as his other placed the rags on the bleeding rents of his face and applied pressure to help staunch the flow of blood. His eyes looked around at the others and he wondered if his eyes reflected the pain and anguish that he was feeling at the moment.

Temo Wolfe

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OOC sup bitches? / +yo numbah!

The rage obscured her sense and destroyed her reason and it was not her own children she was attacking but strangers intent on hurting her unborns. So she snarled and lunged, only the desire to protect rising within her, she was overwhelmed and knocked aside, her outstretched paw catching the tan and black one barely on the cheek. She yelped as she hit the wall, immediately curling in upon herself to protect her fragile stomach. But the strangers quickly retreated, with the darker one cursing and hissing like a scared cat. For a single moment triumph rose within her eyes at chasing them away as she stared challengingly at the black male who looked so horrified.

Then her world tipped and distorted and sanity returned to her. Recognition flooded back along with horror and a piercing sharp pain in her chest. What had she done. Now she saw not the face of a stranger but her mate, and remembered the eyes of not attackers but of her own children. With a single heart wrenching gasp of realization Jace turned and fled deeper into the house, shutting herself away in their bedroom. She leaned against the wooden door and tried to still her beating heart and heavy breaths, but no peace came to her. She was a monster, she had done what she had sworn to never do, an oath made her to own grandmother and her mother before her and even her mother then, passed down through the decades. Vibrant red stained her fur, the front of her body speckled with her son's blood. What she had done was unforgivable.

She was no better than Lucifer, or Argul or any of the other festering receptacles of evil that stalked the night and haunted the shadows. A keening whine came from her as she rocked herself back and forth. She lumbered forwards and pulled shut the window coverings, unable to stand the glare of the rising moon, the all seeing eye that stared down at her, judging her and finding her guilty. The excitement and motion served to hasten her labor from its half frozen state. But without her family besides her, watching, caring, she had not the strength of mind to resist her pain, to keep silent her suffering.

The first of many cascading torrents rocked her small form, and she let loose a feral scream from her maw. It was a desolate sorrow filled sound, resounding with grief and shame. Before the night was through and the birthing was complete she would throw many such tributes of noise towards the hidden sky, seeking for some way clear of the darkness, some path back towards the light.

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OOC here!

Dalgina just sat in shock when Honrin came out, hitting the ground. His face! Had Mahn done that? She couldn't believe it. There was so much blood pouring down. Keldava looked furious, her form tense with anger. A low growl came from Ovi as he nuzzled against Dalgina, looking on with mild confusion. This wasn't right. Her brother was hurt. Why was he hurt? Glancing over at Keldava she shyly untangled herself, inching over.

Taking in a breath her eyes widened. That was Mahn's scent. Mahn had done it! A ferocious wailing erupted as Papa came out with cloths to clean Honrin's face. Frightened she looked up to the house, Ovi muttering something to her that she couldn't hear. Tehu was shrieking, flying restlessly through the air and only adding more to the frightened situation. Cje ronkyha! Cje ronkyha dhaktaka! Oh mahnaya, gkesk s'toi s'don?

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Word Count → 665 :: tl;dr, degloving type injuries are nasty. Adding in Tal’s arrival as requested.

There was nothing left of her mother in the beast’s eyes, only a murderous rage that left Keldava dumbstruck, staring at Jace and unable to move as her own mother drew back her clawed hand a second time, this time lashing out at herself. Frozen to the spot Keldava couldn’t bring herself to move until fire blossomed across her face in a thin line and half her vision went black as she reflexively screwed her right eye shut, trying to protect her eyeball.

With a loud yelp of pain Keldava scrambled backwards towards the door, dragging ‘Rin backwards with her, somehow managing to overpower her larger brother and force him backwards as she stumbled blindly out the door. As she left her good eye fixed on Jace and she growled, her frustrations bubbling out ina single word, yelled out as she exited the house, ”Harfnasa!”

Outside ‘Rin struggled to get out of her grasp and Keldava gladly obliged, freeing her arm and bringing it up to probe the damage to her own face. She wasn’t as badly mauled at ‘Rin but the deep thin cut ran straight over her eye, stinging with pain when she blinked and pouring blood down into her vision. Irritably she brought her hand up to brsh the blood away and froze, horrified eyes catching sight of her hand.

The hand she had raised, her right hand, was also the one that she had punched Jace with and from the looks of it, Keldava had done herself more damage with her own punch against Jace’s teeth than her mother had done with her claws. Several of her fingers were cut and starting to swell and her knuckles were adorned with patches of raw red skin. The worst though was the back of her palm, where a thick section of skin had been ripped off, looking like the skin of a fruit peeled off and hanging by a single edge. The flesh under the skin was an odd pink colour, shot through with lines of red. If she looked closely Keldava thought she could pick out a flash of hard, white material, standing out eerily against the tide of dark red welling from the wound and soaking into the fur on her arm. Gagging she looked away, thrusting the arm down and out of her sight.

A whimpering cry sounded from off to her side and Keldava forced back her revulsion to go to her sister. ‘Gina’s bird was flying about screeching in a panic and Ovidiu looked none to happy either but Keldava ignored them both, hoeing in on her sister and hugging the black furred female. She gripped her tightly for a moment and then released her, stepping backwards but leaving one hand clutching her shoulder in a comforting grip, ”Calm down ‘Gina, we need to get ‘Rin some help” she said, the words as much for herself as they were her sister.

A white figure popped into Keldava’s vision in the background and she sagged in relief, recognising Tal’ from when he had appeared shortly after she had been attacked by Amy. Keldava didn’t really know the white male but she did know he was the pack’s Overseer and while Keldava didn’t particularly know what an Overseer was she did know it was high up, surely he would know a way to calm Jace down! She barked urgently to call him over and then froze up again, suddenly realising that the hand she had left on Dalgina’s shoulder.

She was suddenly aware that while she couldn’t stand the sight of her hand, she doubted that Dalgina would like such a gristly sight shoved close to her face. Quickly Keldava recoiled her hand, hoping she hadn’t frightened her sister even worse. Almost as if on cue a scream emitted from the house, making even Keldava cringe in terror and look towards the door, half afraid that Jace was going to come running out to finish what she had started.

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Word Count → 000 ::

His entire face was on fire, streams of red running down his face like tears, staining the ground. Never before in his life had he encountered something that had hurt so much physically. Oh he remembered very well the time that his mother had almost died in the snow and the emotional heart break that had caused him, but something that set his nerves blazing so much, never before. Mixed in with the blood were his own actual tears, wet tracks that mingled. He cried not for himself though but for the mother that was so consumed with her stress and pain she had not even recognised him as her son, that he had forced her to resort to violence.

He was drifting far away by the time Temo kneeled down next to him, the rag against the streaming wounds brought a fresh new wave of agony and he screamed. The sound eclipsing the sorrowful lament that came from the house, drowning it out and his sister's whimpering. He pulled back and began to struggle, trying to get out of his father's grip but the hand on his neck was like steel, unbend-able. He whined and the sound soared into a pitch high enough to hurt his own ears.

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| +306

Temo's thoughts were all in turmoil over what had happened and what is happening. He did not ever dream something like this would ever happen. He had never thought that Jace would have turned on one of her own blood for any reason. Yet here it had happened and he had no idea of how to deal with it. There had not been anything during his short life that would have prepared him for having his family fall apart, especially so violently as it seemed to have done, to be doing around him.

One thing he did know was that face injuries are rather painful and he knew Honrin would fight the pressure that he was applying. From what he saw before covering the wound with the rag and his hand, it looked bad. It is true that Temo is no healer and only knew basic first aid, but even he thought that Honrin would need some stitching up. For a moment his head cleared and his thoughts focused on that for the moment as he considered it. Some fine sinew and a sharp needle, granted he had not done anything like this but it would not be to different from sewing up holes on hides.

The howl that came from the house and having Honrin fight against his grip and the high pitched whine that emitted from Honrin's throat brought Temo back to the agony that was spearing it's way through everyone's minds and hearts. Unable to look at anyone in their eyes, he closed his. He wanted it to stop. He wanted everything back to normal. He wanted his family whole again. The noise pierced through his ears and through his heart, he wanted to drop everything and walk away but he was frozen in place with Honrin's thrashing head caught in his grip.

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Looks like as good a time as any for me to post. <3

The screams and whines had drawn his attention. He was still for a moment, taking in the screams, the blood. For a horrific moment, he was reminded of Tameri, of the screams that had drawn him to the scene of her death. Was anyone dead? The thought shocked him, and he began moving. Who was injured most? Who needed help first? He was reminded of a conversation he and his mother had once, when he was younger. It had been about battlefield triage. He took in a sharp breath. He'd do none of them good panicking.

One. Exhale. Two. Exhale. Three. Exhale. Four. Exhale. Five. Exhale. The terror that had gripped him had cleared. Keldava was closest, but she shied away as he approached. Temo was struggling with Honrin, and Tal's clear mind knew the dark furred male wouldn't be able to both stitch and hold the young male down. He was grateful Myrddin was off somewhere, and not here.

His voice held the authority of his position as Overseer of the Council as he spoke to Temo. "Keep him pinned, I'll stitch him." For a moment he regretted using a harsh tone, regretted not being able to dull the pain of the boy's hurt until after the wounds were stitched. And then he pulled the hair of a horse's tail out of his sack, and a fine but strong needle. Deft fingers threaded the needle, his hands not showing a trace of the shock he'd felt before. He was still, solid as a rock, as he pinched the wound closed and began the gristly work.

Image courtesy of FlatWorldsEdge14@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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She fell into the spiraling world of pain that consumed and drowned her. No longer caring or knowing of the wounded that fought and writhed outside of the walls that held her in, of the healer that came to tend her damaged children and distraught love. No knowing of the leader's wrath that would grace her in such a short time or of the harrowing depression she would sink into upon realizing those she had birthed would teeter on the edge of death, consumed by her dark abandoned soul.

The sounds she made would be enough to give any common thief or miscreant pause and send chill shivers down the spines of the hardened hearted. The shadow of death had come to find her and he watched with unyielding eyes and laughed cruelly at the woman who struggled so fervently with her traitorous body. The echos of the past and the demons she had conquered reveled in her sufferance, haunting blue eyes stared at her from the dark, mocking and sadistic. Those of every cold distorted mind she had ever destroyed now came back to feast upon her tattered, ragged sanity. Thy circle of life and death.

She screamed and screamed and screamed more for the torment to stop, forgetting in her agony those closest to her heart, the friends she had made and won, loved ones who had been lost, she forgot them all, leaving her alone with the monsters amongst which she walked.

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OOC here!

Dalgina looked up at her sister, deep shock written across her features. She was having trouble processing what had happened. Dalgina glanced at the wound to Keldava's arm, and bit back a scream. It was touching her! She wanted her sister, but at the same time there was so much blood, and pain, and she knew that it would change her. Nightmares from the past ran through her mind, but they were nothing compared to the reality she was trapped in, unable to escape through simply waking up. This was life.

Straightening Dalgina tried to be serious. Your arm...Keldava needs help. She was speaking partly to herself, partly to the tiger whose hackles had raised high enough to make the large beast look even bigger than before. Dalgina watched Honrin struggle, wishing she knew what to do. Tal's strong voice relieved her, but now no one was helping Keldava. Clumsily she reached over, taking one of the bloody rags that had fallen away. Turning to Keldava she smiled weakly. I'll-I'll fix it... She had to.

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