self sabotage
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Atisia (marten) is visible :3
It was hard to write a reply to a summary, so sorry for my lack of length! Hopefully it should even itself out after another post Big Grin

The bicolored female seemed to have plenty of plans, and Ulilohi could only stand and nod as she listened. It would seem Io was a quite productive tribesmember: already, she was building the coops and bird-houses that the councilwoman had aided with today. The brown-pelted woman nodded in agreement. "I think the stables complex would not be hurt from expansions -- especially additional pens and such." Their livestock count had increased the past few years, and they now kept a myriad of different animals (or it seemed like it to Ulilohi, who had little interest for it). It was warming, too, how enthusiastic Io was about their animals and crops. "Our land gives us the possibility of keeping animals and growing food for them -- I think we are truly blessed in that regard." Ulilohi agreed. What was AniWaya without its crops and animals, truly?

#145 -- don't mock me!


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