Open doors

Word Count → 310 :: Out of Character text

The blind female waited, listening and smelling her darkened world. She knew what it felt like to be betrayed my a member of ones family. She knew the pain and fear that accompanied the loss of trust. Hotaru could still remember her brother's betrayal, how he had taken her sight and pack. The memory, while not as bitter, was still very fresh in Hotaru's mind. Thus, she understood what Dalgina was feeling.

Red ears flicked as the sound of shuffling came. The movement was quickly followed by a rumbling purr for Ovi. Hotaru grew a little excited, happy to know that Dalgina hadn't lost faith in her as well. Even so, she didn't move. Only Hotaru's ears flicked as she listened to Dalgina's movement and breathing. Her breathing remained steady, her body almost as still as a statue. Long moments passed as the frightened wolf-dog inched her way closer to to the grey wolf.

At last, Dalgina settled down besides Hotaru. Even then, the blind female did not budge. She continued to wait, hoping that Dalgina would calm down further. After nearly ten minutes, Hotaru moved, just slightly and very slowly. She tried to wrap her frame around the frightened female in a protective manner. If Dalgina shied away, the blind wolf would freeze and wait.

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