Time to start over [J]

Shadow was roaming the New Dawn pack lands and he heard a whole. He was in his Lupus form and he was trotting around and smelling and looking for everything and anything. He was trying to make his Alpha and pack proud and when he heard the howl his tail started to go. He thought for a sec about being able to welcome a new member of New Dawn and the thought made him take off faster until he was in an all out sprint and the moment he came from the trees he slowed and spoke in a kind happy manner. "Hey! welcome to New Dawn I am........" Shadow stopped as he eyes focused on the one he was looking at. A whine came from him. He couldn't believe this....Thana....The last time they had seen each other she had told him she would kill him if she saw him again and he had hurt her and himself....She hadn't understood why he left and he never wanted to but he needed to at the time, He was a fool for thinking he found love when he did. He stayed in his spot unknown to how to act to seeing her. Also as he looked to her there was another wolf who he guessed was her daughter...he wasn't surprised, she was beautiful and he had hurt her and so she went to someone else.

He was feeling the pain like that with Insomnia all over again and he was stuck where he was, he had to know and see her reaction first. He needed to wait and judge her reaction...but he had to admit, he had missed her a lot.


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