Time to start over [J]

WC: 3+

Shadow whined loudly at her moving closer and he closed his eyes at feeling her rub her neck into his, He almost stumbled from his knees going weak, He was so happy to see her and he was stunned to see that she was happy to see him as well. She hated him didn't she....she had left him and went out and did god knows what in anger. She was an assassin and she promised him death and he would have let her but here she was, as beautiful as ever and getting close, god how he longed to feel the touch of a woman who cared a little about him, just a little.

He wanted to cry he was so happy to see her and he listened to her speak and he took it all in, She did indeed have a daughter but she was adopted. When he heard her call him a good friend a part of him was stunned and couldn't believe it and a part wished for more. Another part of him, where the pain was wanted her to hurt him for what he done, to make him feel pain like he deserved. He lowered his head and his tail wagged lightly as he locked eyes with her and in the most sincere and truthful, affectionate tone he could he spoke and said to her."He still is.....and he is so sorry....I'm so sorry...."

Shadow couldn't hold it back, when he said he was so sorry a tear left him and he leaned in and rubbed his cheek against hers still not quite believing she was there at all, it had to be a dream....he was suppose to be unhappy not the other way around.....wasn't he?
"I can't believe your here....I thought you would hate me forever..."


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