The Red Queen
Thana listened to him carefully, realizing he was right. She was acting blindly. She needed to calm herself down and think before she acted, otherwise she would put Anna in danger. She stepped back, returning her dagger to the sheath on her thigh. I apologize. I’ve been acting blind with anger. I need to think before I act right now. Thana turned to Anna, motioning for her to put the bow away as she sat down in front of the man.

Calmed down, she met his eyes with her own, keeping an expressionless look on her face. So you want to talk about Jaden huh? I take it you aren’t too fond of him then either. It seemed even his own packmates had something against him. Was he not a good leader? Perhaps not. Thana didn’t really know, she wasn’t around long enough to notice. I don’t remember seeing you when I was here so I suppose you joined sometime after. She paused for a moment before continuing. I have a history with Jaden. He hurt me and now I want him to feel the same pain he caused me.

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