*M* falling from an angel's sky
After he had told Selene about what Fang/Toby had done to their fellow pack member, Fritz had kept a careful eye on her. He knew that her remarkable innocence had likely been demolished by this news and that she blamed herself for trusting him, despite the fact that he had repeatedly told her otherwise. But there was little he could do to make her change her mind. So he was patient with her and made sure she knew that he thought she was free of guilt.

He had decided to work on his fighting skills, and had found a clearing not too far from their home. He wanted to be close enough to come to her if she needed him. The large spotted dog knew that she was strong but still wanted to be there for his lady-love whenever she needed him, for whatever reason. He had promised himself that he would be there for her and that he would willingly die for her. But he kept up his weapon skills so the likelihood of him dying was significantly lowered.

But soon he was done and he headed home. The greeting he got was well-received and he automatically wrapped his arms around her. ”Hello, love.” He placed a kiss on the top of her head.”I missed you too. I worked on my weapon skills some. Don’t want to be rusty with them.” He considered her for a moment. She seemed happy and he was curious as to why. ”How are you?” His tone was gentle and yet still curious.

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