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Hotaru didn't dare to move more than her ears. She understood the young female's pain and fear. The pup smelled of fear and her heart raced like frightened calf. If the grey wolf tried to force Dalgina to trust her, it would only make things worse. Dalgina might run, or attack. Either situation had to be avoided at all costs. So, Hotaru waited.

A soft nose pressed against Hotaru's shoulder, as if to see if she were really there. That one gesture almost broke the blind female's resolve. She wanted to grab Dalgina had hug her till she broke. Hotaru wanted to tell her it was alright, help her understand that the world wasn't over. But that would only make Dalgina run. So she continued to wait.

Dalgina moved closer, her head buried into Hotaru's fur as she settled down next to the older wolf. As time passed, Hotaru waited and judged the pup's mood. The blind female could hear the tiger move, but didn't pay to much attention to the shift. When at last Hotaru felt it was safe to move, she tried her best to be comforting. At first, Dalgina flinched, making Hotaru pause briefly.

At last, the pup had calmed down enough to trust Hotaru again. Breaking down, Dalgina began to whine. Her small body was shaking. The grey female began to lick Dalgina gently, offering her silent comfort and support. After several more minutes, Hotaru decided that it would be safe to speak. "Dalgina, if you don't have anywhere else to go, you are free to come stay at my house."

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