Can I kiss the pain?

Poor Adonia is so Diplomatic..

Word Count → 000

Her two toned gems watched him as he spoke of what caused the wounds, her nose withdrew from his body, giving him a respectable distance. "...obviously! Why didn't you call for aid when you saw her? You shouldn't try and be a hero when there is the alpha, and the other fighters in the pack..." She didn't want to sound like she was scolding him and did her best not to yell or sound angry or upset. She was just concerned. " really isn't nice..." Her ears went back as she turned away and spoke a hint of her concern about the dog she ran into..the one that gave her Theo. The dog didn't seem bad, she didn't do anything to hurt her, or wrong her. Amy kept her word to Adonia...maybe she should go in search for Amy...find her, talk to her, and find out what had happened..from her mouth itself.

She stood stretching her thin lean body out before she looked over to him sweetly, "..well at least I now know I'm not in the dark.." Her voice soft and as sweet as her usual with her. "...I'm just still in shock that she would cause herself this much trouble...I wouldn't put it past for her to hurt someone...she is a loner sort, she needs to defend herself. The only experience I have with Amy is the trade we did...I got Theo, my bird from her...but I couldn't have pictured her going out of her way to terrorize without reason...she didn't come off like that.." Adonia spoke freely on her feelings toward Amy. She hoped it wouldn't upset Tharin, but she was upset inside about the whole thing. She couldn't harm another, so to have to attack, or seize someone wasn't in her nature, or personality. It was why she was trying to avoid the risk of contact with Amy..but now, now that she hurt Tharin, she needed to talk to her...hopefully reason with her....

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to effika

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