Manly Men
Word Count :: 330 OOC: Np at all we can start wrapping this up if you want :3

He raised his hand and shook his head, he wanted no apologies or pity, he was just giving out a warning. Niro would heal on his own time and for now he would be fine. He was not out for charity either. At the question about Amy Jiva sighed closing his eyes, it was not in exaspiration, he barely knew what happened in its entirety. “She attacked one of our members twice and if I remember correctly kidnapped another’s puppy. Her offenses are horrible in any way and she will deserve everything she gets.” he said a tone that was flat but not meant harm towards the other man. It was a touchy subject to anyone in New Dawn.

The training commensed and he was told where to hit to kill and Jiva made a face. He never killed before and he never intended to. “I would rather protect, injure until we can get away or they learn to leave.” Jiva said his thoughts still on the spots where the man pointed on himself. They were all tender spots, the ribs that held the lungs especially, the throat... though under the armpit was a new on to Jiva but he would remember this for an after thought later. “What if the other has a knife himself, and... could a knife hold up against... say that thing?” He pointed to the mans sword. Jiva had no intentions of investing in a sword but it was probably a good idea if he did... he just didn’t know if he could do it. He was not a fighiting man at all and if he had to, he could use the knife, but much longer and he was sure to be frowned upon. He was starting to become a better member to the pack itself and was still learning about what Zalen would be ok with as opposed to what he would not be ok with.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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