
Her ears flicked back, then forward again as she thought. She and Khaden...they were friends. Maybe it was all right for friends to give each other things. No one had ever given her anything before Khaden had come along, especially not something that they had caught or made with their own two hands. Of course her parents had brought her food and other things that she had needed...but that was different. She let go of the end of another bandage, letting it fall down onto the floor as well.

This type of social situation was one that she hadn't ever been in. He was a wolf of her age, unrelated, a friend...and he was offering her something. "That's not what I meant. The way it came out, I mean...I just..." She frowned. "I've never had a friend like you before. All my other friends are family members--and you're not one, so I don't know sometimes...what...uh, to do or say around you" And that was the beauty of it--the risk. Ember wasn't worried about upsetting someone in her family, because they would take it. They were family. But Khaden was different. "It's so beautiful, too. I didn't know why you would want to give it up."

It was obvious that she'd upset him, and she scooted closer to him, her mind zooming in a frenzied attempt to come up with something corrective to say. "I really like it. How did you make it?"


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