To the Sea and Back
The dark wolf had lingered by the shore line for some time now. She was sitting in the sand, hugging her knees as she stared out at the water and the bay littered with human technologies. Her green eyes were glazed over and blank, as she had rather been thinking and musing than actually watching the water beyond the trash. At first she actually had been pondering about the water, but soon her thoughts drifted to what lay beyond the sea. The actual sea. Of course, she knew very well what was on the other side of it—Europe. Vlad had lived there for a long time, after all.

With this in mind, she began to muse over the family she'd abandoned back in Russia. How were they holding up? Were her parents still searching for her? Or had they simply forgotten her and appointed her younger brother Daniil as the heir to the Kalashnikov dynasty? Regardless, she frowned at the thought of what could've happened if she never boarded that cargo ship to Nova Scotia. Where would she be right now? Managing the wealthy trade business like her mother and father trained her to do? More than likely this was the case, and Vladislava didn't like the thought of it.

Oh, how the time passed as she sat there. She knew she ought to leave and return to her woods, but her thoughts continued to pull her into a flurry of memories from her past, when she lived in Moscow. Eventually, though, when her bottom began to ache from sitting too long, she snapped out of her daze and lifted her eyes to the sky. My, she had been there for a mighty long time! Perhaps getting on back to her cozy little forest would do her good. And, of course, a meal was to be hunted down on the way back as well. As the Russian rose to her feet, she stretched her arms over her head and rolled her neck, getting the blood pumping again. It was then she finally smelled the scent of another, and quickly looked in his direction. It was a wolf—or, more specifically, a Luperci in what appeared to be the Secui form. Vlad stared at him but didn't move toward him, deciding that one of two things would happen: either he would go about his way and ignore her presence, or he would turn back to see her and perhaps start a conversation. Either way was fine by her, but if the latter were to transpire, she wasn't going to make her move first.

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