the mind is like a tomb

The Maven felt that she and Skye and formed a strong friendship, one that had been carefully crafted and nurtured over the past several months. When Hotaru had first arrived in the pack, she had closed herself off to most of the pack members. Thankfully, in the recent months, the blind female had opened herself up more and while she couldn't be considered the most sociable wolf, she had taken the time to converse with the pack. Hotaru had grown especially close to Skye, viewing the leader wolf as not only a friend, but one who deserved her respect.

Skye's voice was quiet, filled with pain and the weight of her position. Things in d'Arte had never been very good, at least as far as Hotaru knew. From the very moment that she joined the artist pack, it had been one disaster after another. To make matters worse, all of the hard decisions and responsibilities fell on the female's shoulders, a burden that was supposed to be shared by two. Hotaru sat down next to Skye, her face showing some subtle hints of the worry that she felt. Soft squeaks and high pitched whines came from the pups that Hotaru could only assume were close by. Aiden and Aysun made similar noises, although Aysun had not been as active lately. She hadn't been eating as much and moved very little. The new mother was worried, but she pushed the thoughts out of her head to focus on her ailing leader.

"I am as well as to be expected. Aiden and Aysun are handfuls, but nothing that I cannot handle. What of yourself Skye? You sound... distressed?"

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