missing a title
mall-caps;">this table was touched by Misery

She reached out, gently squeezing Phasma's hand. Knowing how much she cared about Lucifer, knowing the sacrifice to herself she had made for the sake of her pack, it was heartwarming. "He has a home with me, in Jaded Shadows." She said kindly, as if to comfort the female. Fatin didn't know that Phasma was already aware of it, and as Gabriel spoke her attentions turned back to the haunting golden eyes he had received from his mother. "I feel that any choice made by an Alpha should be upheld by the next. If Mordulin decided to exile Salvaged, I certainly would not have brought him back into the pack despite my personal feelings." She made the choice long ago if it came down to it, and she would have upheld her choice had the moment been given to her. "It's a foolish choice, considering all that is at stake. He was foolish enough to try and brush off what Skoll did to Ahemait and Samael for the sake him defending some child. I told him that it was a matter for Inferni to handle, and it was not Skoll's place to interject." She said quietly. "I do not think he understands, or perhaps he is just not willing, but you, as a leader, have to come to terms with making choices not for yourself, but for the sake of your pack. For Jaded Shadows, we would damage our alliance with Inferni by condoning Skoll's return to Storm, just as it would have hurt Syemv to allow Lucifer to stay. He was so quick to judge Lucifer for an action he has remedied when Skoll nearly killed two children, but he does nothing but practically praise him!" It was easy to see the female was upset, and nearly at wits end. "He seemed to be quick to judge me, and Jaded Shadows, for the actions of months past. I'm afraid that all you and Gibraltar have done for Storm are falling to ruins because of my opinion of him." She said it as neutrally, and as truthfully, as she possible could. but it was hard. It was very hard.

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