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Table by Sunny :3

Now, there was a name Ulilohi had heard before. The Utinas were not unknown in the Great Tribe, and as far as Ulilohi knew, Dawali Amara's children had been friends of them. In her time in the council, -Ulilohi had attempted to learn what she could about the social structure of the tribe, which families that did and didn't interact, and for what. Also, Claudius had told her the history if this place. The Utinas had played not an insignificant part in the events that led up to her being put in charge. Last she had heard from Foxglove, the female, Liliana, had been found dead, presumably by accident. It was a sad story, the one of their family, truly. She dipped her head. "I have heard of your family before. You are Nayati's daughter, I presume?" Judging by her appearance and age, that would be the most likely, at least so far as Ulilohi knew.

"Thank you, yes." She didn't mind tea, though she didn't drink it often. It more than not just didn't come to mind, as she often had a skin of water with her. That, and with the river crossing into the village, it was never far, for a drink. The councilwoman nodded and continued to attempt to explain her interest in knocking on Saqui's door. "I saw that you had new plants around your hut and was curious." Her hands moved as she spoke, enhancing intonation and stress as the giant female spoke in fluent AniWayan.

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