Mother Nature's Son
ooc: I'm assuming Zadkiel thought Edgar was dead and is trying to kill whoever he thought killed him, Edgar is just confused and thinks Zadkiel wants to kill him.

He quickly awoke, terrified by the nightmare he had just had. The canine turned around to see another luperci walking along the shoreline with knives in his hands, he wasn't sure if the man was coming toward him or not. Hands shaking, he scribbled words onto that page that read: Please don't kill me He held it up in front of himself so that the light-colored wolf could read it clearly. Edgar doubted that a silly little note could keep him from getting killed but he thought that it was at least worth a try. For some reason though, he knew with all his heart that he wouldn't be a dead man today. There was something about the approaching male that didn't seem to be very vicious, he looked as if he were trying to protect himself in a way. Could he be trying to take down someone else? Edgar took note of the knives he held, they looked much more dangerous than his. His knife was small and a bit rusty with blood on it. He hadn't wanted to take it because it was the very knife that his father had used to slaughter his mother; but he told himself that it just might be the only thing that kept him alive. If this really all that his life would be, then it would sure be disappointing.

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