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indentThere were to many things going through her head in that moment, so many thoughts and words that Phasma had to fight to grasp just bits and pieces here and there. She didn't want another war, she wouldn't allow herself to go through such a thing yet again. What was to say that anything of that nature would happen though? It was all up to Skoll, really, and Phasma didn't quite like the odds of that. Eyes met the wound on the Inferni leader and Phasma could only shake her head, sighing as she was dug deeper and deeper into a state of indecision and confusion. It was all happening in so little time. "You shouldn't have to choose." Phasma commented quietly, obviously pained by the whole ordeal. "There is every reason in the world not to trust Skoll and no reason at all to trust him. There is a lack of understanding that we deal with things differently. Inferni by force, as it happens to be, and the ways of a pack aren't really up to be questioned when it's something as simple as respect." Had the parents of the child, she still didn't know who it was, been watching her as they should have been, then it was likely the whole thing never would have happened in the first place. "I'm sorry Fatin." Her words were quiet, voice almost broken. "I don't think I'll be around there long enough to do so." It was a decision that was lingering in her mind. Could she follow an Alpha that had shown disrespect toward, not one, but two other Alphas? Gibraltar, by considering a break of his ruling, and Fatin, by treating her in such a fashion in her own lands.


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