baby girl
Small hands were wound tightly in his fur as she curled up into a ball, trying to make herself as small as possible, trying to make herself into nothing. She felt the warmth of her brother's arms around her as those salty tears crept into his pelt and lay damp trails along his neck and chest. The voice crooning in her ear was the same one that had been there so many times before when their adventures hadn't gone as planned. He'd always been able to wash away the sadness and bring the sun out again but this time there was nothing but rain pouring down upon her heart.

Her fists beat out a rhythm on his shoulder and chest as she screamed and cried, the pent up fury from the injustice she'd gone through had finally hit home and just DaVinci's luck. The arms that held her so tightly reminded her of how Haku had held her once, no games, no teasing play, just the honest emotions shining through. She knew DaVinci wouldn't let her go once she'd found him but as she raved on her words actually became coherent. "Hate you, Ah hate chu'all.." the muffled words were burning hot on his neck as she let the pain take over, abandoning the child in the lap of the last soul one would assume could love such a creature so deeply.

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