baby girl
The words settled around the cold that was eating away at her, the numbing poison that had filled her mind and soul with self loathing and fear. The scent of her protector and those arms that had always held her and mended every cut and scrape, every bruised knee and banged up elbow seemed to make it all start to fade slowly but surely. Her eyes were filled with a deadly passion as she screamed, the sobs breaking up her hate heated words as she tried to break the only soul there was to hold her. "You left me.. left me!" her claws dug into his flesh as her ears folded back against her skull, the rough hands upon her pelt making her skin crawl as they teased and tested the tangles and burrs, doing the job she'd abandoned since her release.

Suddenly it seemed that the job was even abandoned by DaVinci as her tears seemed to double and the screams were replaced with weak whimpers and whispers. She had let herself grow numb to the actions of the clan member that had taken what she hadn't offered. She was no innocent sweet soul but a dark seducer when she wanted to play but caged bird's can't fly and she hadn't offered her gifts freely to the beast that had come calling when the leader's back's were turned. Nuzzling herself as close as skin she didn't want him to let go, the wounds were long from healing and she'd run from anyone else who would have offered open arms.

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