baby girl
He bowed his head as she screamed the truth at him. He'd left her, he'd let her go knowing she was just a babe still. He'd let his two sisters run across the lands not knowing what would fair them.. it was just that he'd return when the world had come crashing down upon the child, caused by her own hand or not it didn't matter. She looked up to him for guidance.. he was the big brother, her friend in adventures and the protector of the small. His homely looks dulled even more with her dark beauty, so opposite from one another and yet still she clung to him, not ready to let go, not ready to grow up. "I know." he admitted sadly, his heart aching as those words repeated over and over again. He should never have let her follow Magdalena back home, he knew she wasn't ready for the world he'd come from.

The screams seemed to sink into whimpers and moans as she finally stopped fussing upon his flesh, the fresh marks from her claws vibrant red against his steele and silvery fur as her whispers seemed to cause the pain to blossom fresh in his heart. He'd done her wrong, he never should have said yes when she'd begged to go back with Magdalena.. but of course she'd had him wrapped around her finger since forever and a day. How was he to say no to those dancing emerald eyes and the mischievious smile... and he hadn't, and now he regretted it more than ever.

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