we might as well be strangers

((424)) So very sorry for the wait. ;n; Was busier than intended this week.


As he trudged closer, he pace increased, quite certain now that the object in question was, indeed, a fire, and inviting source of heat to thaw his frozen bones.

Of course with a controlled fire, there was likely another there who'd started it, but careless as Harvey could often be, he went on without thinking about possible encounters leading to being maimed or otherwise treated in a less than pleasant way. For all he knew, a raging brute of a canine could be waiting behind the flames, giddy to lure a helpless victim into his trap. But, now, he didn't care. It was just another chance he really didn't want to give up.

Finally he'd picked up a trace aside from the smell of the smoke. There was certainly somebody present, but the scent was decidedly female. That lowered his tension about intruding into a stranger's space.

As he grew nearer the fire, the appearance of the unknown female was revealed, illuminated by the fire. He paused, a brow raised unconsciously. He could find beauty in the simplest of things, but this stranger was completely stunning to the aussie shepherd male. A typical smirk appeared on his red-blotched face, bi-coloured eyes begging to roam over the female's body, but as he was raised to be a gentleman, he kept his attention to her gaze.

Stepping closer, mostly to warm himself with the conrolled inferno, he revealed his own face, not wanting to hide behind a shadow like somebody either ashamed of their body (which he wasn't, as most anybody who knew Harvey could explain) or somebody with unappealing intentions. He simply wanted to survive the chilly night, but the added company was something he rather fancied.

He cleared his throat before speaking. 'Ello! Terribly sorry for intrudin' like this, Miss, but could I ask if you wouldn't mind me company? The Brit asked sweetly. Rathah chilly night out. Didn't expect t' be caught out this late, but seems I got meself distracted durin' me travels, an'... Well. He shrugged. Time management wasn't his strong point, but he usually didn't mind, as "camping out" was another adventure in itself.

Oh! 'Ow rude of me! I can be such a brute sometimes... Harvey hated to admit his being impolite by not offering his identity before asking to stay in the woman's presence. Where are me manners! I'm Harvey Butler, an' it's a pleasah t' meet you, ducky.

The cockney canine said, smiling as if he'd redeemed himself now.

His gaze had still yet to leave hers.

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Coding by Sie

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