with a mouth full of bones

out of character

So pretty much I suck. D:

in character

Laughter tore through his system in brief chuckles as he regarded the coyote afore him. His response was casual and laid-back, something that Khaden had only truly experienced with Ember Phoenix back when they played tag through the meadows of Twilight Vale. But that event was weeks ago, and even that event ended up as Khaden had to take the Dahlia de Mai femme back to the Manor in order to bandage up the Inferni wounded shoulder.

It was truly interesting that stereotypes played such a big role in society. How a wolf could spot a coyote and immediately press prejudices upon them that they are nothing more than tribal savages, out to rape and kill anything that moves. Yet this one, this one was truly different from those hastily slapped on titles, and for some odd reason, Khaden deeply admired and respected that. His name, Laurel, simple but elegant, seemed to sum up his character well.

"Khaden." He replied, wondering if his name truly did represent him well. "I live on Twilight Vale, with my brother." It was so easy now - now that he had already put the association between Conri Church and him with a simple "Hi, I'm Khaden, brother to Conri. I'm sure you've met of him." But he wasn't actually sure if Laurel had met Conri, and even if he had, there probably wasn't a strong enough connection to really make the same effect of those words as they did on someone else, namely someone else in the lands of Twilight Vale.

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