[M] Sins seem to be all I'm good at writing

ooc text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Amaranth Catori

Amaranth looked at her step father. The man seemed to be falling apart and the young Catori woman was trying to be strong. She was trying to be strong and what her mother would want her to be but it seemed as though she would not get there.

Amaranth moved closer to him and huffed. Mother would not want you to be like this. You are still the King. The pack still needs you She spoke as she dropped the rabbit be side him. She glanced down at him with Violet eyes. She spoke something in french and then turned to face away. She was not pleased with the way he was acting.

Amaranth found herself just standing there The man she was so proud of was now a shadow of his former self.

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