[M] Sins seem to be all I'm good at writing
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

ooc text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Amaranth Catori

Her mother was gone and too was most her sanity it seemed. It seemed as though losing her mother had ruined her more then she thought it would. She had started to heal and she had started to heal the rift she had placed between the delicate Catori and herself.

Amaranth moved to the family home where her youngest siblings were born. Where she had laid on her stomach and allowed Liam to burn her flesh. She didn't want to think of the damage done to her body. She had allowed it. She had begged him to harm her to make her bleed for not finding her sooner. Was this how her mother had felt after she had found the girl after Haku had gotten her?

Amaranth moved into a room smelling her step father. A rabbit in her hand. She promised her mother to make sure they're king stayed well. She knew like all of them that he too had fallen apart a bit. Vigilante She spoke her voice soft as she moved in. I brought you food. Our king needs to eat and stay well. She spoke moving to sit next to him holding the rabbit.

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if I remember right, they're supposed to have a tiff of some small sort that ends with him getting a little itty bit aggressive? Correct me if I'm wrong! And poor vigibutt, I really get what you're feeling...

Days, it had been. Only a few, of course, but it could have been many. It could have been weeks, or months, or even years. The dog King had only moved from the bed once, to bring his mate's body to a better place, where he knew she would have wanted to rest. Since then, he had been a massive, listless creature, silent and sullen. He felt as if his whole being had been beaten, left raw and bloody on the ground for the world to pick t, destroy over time until he, too, was gone.

Dark face turned warily to look at the door, eyes once of the finest jade seeing not really her, but through her. Liam, Amaranth, Kable, Skoll, Hati, Charlotte... They had all been in and out of this room in the past few days to check on him, to encourage him to thrive, but he could hardly muster up the energy to list his head fully when they came. Darkly, his thoughts turned to Noah and he wanted to bare his teeth and growl at his absent son for doing this to his mother, for not seeing her before she died.

"I do not wish to eat," he muttered darkly, turning away from her slowly and resting his head on his paws, eyes closing with a slight flutter of lashes.


ooc text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Amaranth Catori

Amaranth looked at her step father. The man seemed to be falling apart and the young Catori woman was trying to be strong. She was trying to be strong and what her mother would want her to be but it seemed as though she would not get there.

Amaranth moved closer to him and huffed. Mother would not want you to be like this. You are still the King. The pack still needs you She spoke as she dropped the rabbit be side him. She glanced down at him with Violet eyes. She spoke something in french and then turned to face away. She was not pleased with the way he was acting.

Amaranth found herself just standing there The man she was so proud of was now a shadow of his former self.

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He ignored the words she spoke, eyes closed against the world he had come to detest so suddenly. What did she know about what Ayita would want? Amaranth had left her, too. Kable, Amaranth, Noah, Liam... All four of them had left their mother's side at one time, from the few months Liam was up north to the year and more that Noah had been gone. All of their adopted children had gone. Their youngest children hadn't done that, only small trips outside of the lands. Vigilante had never left for more than a trip, either.

It was the french words that struck a nerve with him, the sounds and tone of the words bringing Ayita's face into focus before his eyes. Sharply he turned, growling. She was Amaranth, not Ayita. He knew it would be her, but he had been hoping, he supposed. "What did you just mutter?" he demanded.

Amaranth was annoyed what was he doing. He needed to be finishing training Lottie. It she was to be their star she needed guidance. She was young and she needed support. She needed her father and her family there at her side. Green eyes seemed to focus on her and she glanced over with Violet ones. I said you are a stubborn Mule She said turning to him

Mother made me promise to care for you and keep you going. She didn't want to see the man she loved fall apart. She said her voice stern as she stood tall. She was over stepping her grounds she knew it but what was a crumbling weak king going to do. We all fallow you and here you are moping like a child who lost a toy She snarled looking at him. Eat before I force you to

The dog King mentally demanded that she go away, but of course she stayed, pushing him and pushing him. His dark ears lay flat and his lips peeled back at the insult, but he bit his tongue, tucking his head back in with his large paws. Eventually, he knew, she would leave him alone. Charlotte also brought him food and water, but she was less persistent and more subservient than her older half-sister.

Suddenly, as if by magic, the King found himself standing above his adopted daughter, his teeth gripping tightly—too tightly— into the flesh atop her muzzle. Vigilante growled, both angry with the auburn girl and startled by his own actions. "Don't be foolish, girl," he snarled. "You cannot force me to do anything."

Amaranth stood there proud and determined to get her way. She was her mother's child and she would not see the king crumble like this. she pushed him and pushed him further. And when he snapped it was something she was not expecting, Purple eyes shut as pain ripped through her.

Stop your hurting me! She screamed as her knees buckled. She moved to lay her hand on her muzzle he'd only broken a bit of skin. And blood slowly moved to the top. Why? Your supposed to protect me. She cried a bit. Purple eyes filled with pain and hurt as she looked up at her step father. Was he really a monster under the skin he showed?

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