under the city lights, i'm sinking
Long post is long, I got carried away lawl.
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_____Things had been extremely quiet, but she had known that her brother had returned. Anselm had come back as well and she had ventured off to check on her father and brother knowing that they were back. Without the prisoner and as she had tested the air, without new blood on them. There was something else that had been in that air that she didn't recognise and by the time she had come back that evening, it was too late to investigate it. She had withered away into what was something of a sleep, no doubt plagued with things that she didn't want to deal with right then and there.

_____And then she had woken before the sun had lifted from the bottom of the ocean, pacing through the territory to assure herself that all was really well around them. But that was also when she had heard the crying, something so soft and almost unnoticeable with the white noise that followed the tranquil morning. But it was a hard sound to miss. Creeping through the forest and out towards the shore, both sound and smell were her aides while her heart gave an anxious beat. Could it have been? She had been back a handful of days and already there was much to learn.

_____Even with the basics down, coming across Gabriel's daughter was enough to give her mixed thoughts. She was the spitting image of her father even if she was face down in the sand at the present moment; the medically-inclined side of her brain didn't miss the smell of blood and up-turned contents of her stomach either. As she slipped down the shore, she was picking out the symptoms. Stress, anxiety, even the inability to rest, she had been there before yet in different reasons. But that aside, she was a very beautiful thing, if not frail.

_____Reaching into the pouch that hung at her hip from a thin strap, Corona pulled a small vial of liquid and looked it over. She had originally intended to give it to Jasper, but she wouldn't see him until later in the day. More could be made later, provided she got the chance to offer it to her. Coming to crouch beside the crying girl, Corona didn't crowd her but stayed close enough to reach out and place a comforting hand on her back, letting an apologetic whine follow her actions as soothingly as possible. Gold ears pinned back, she wasn't really sure just how the girl would react to her. She didn't know her and even with the dimmest of maternal instincts aside, Corona wasn't even sure about how to go and introduce herself.

_____But she wanted to comfort her all the same.


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