under the city lights, i'm sinking
Thanks and yours was great too. XD;
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... a/ctop.png); background-color: #74693D; background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____Somewhere in the dimly lit recesses at the back of her mind she wondered where Gabriel was and why it wasn't him who was down there on the shore instead of her. Though with everything else that had gone on, she knew what had happened. She knew that Talitha had gone to the place she should not have and she knew what it had ended in. Though he may have been his father's son, Corona didn't think that he would have reacted badly to everything, he would have been more happy to have her than angry at what was already water under the bridge. Or at least, she believed that of him.

_____But Talitha didn't react badly to her and while it was a partial relief, seeing her in such pain indirectly drove needles into Corona. She generally had an indifference to pain, especially when it had come to others, but even that had changed with time. She knew the look in her eyes because once she had seen them in her own. So when the girl reached out for her, Corona didn't resist to pull her in and hold her tight; the vial she had been holding fell to the soft sand below. Sitting back with Talitha leaning against her, she placed her muzzle atop her head, ‘shh’-ing her ever so softly.

_____It was quite a natural thing to want one's mother, especially in such a trying time. But Corona didn't know where Faolin was and she didn't even know if she was coming back any time soon either. Gabriel had sent her away because of the war, so maybe it was only a matter of time. But she did wish that Faolin could have been there, knowing that she would have wanted to hold and comfort Talitha in the same way that Corona was trying to do. “It's okay,” she said quietly, stroking her hair. “You're safe now, you're home. Everything will be okay soon.”


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