those things you never knew
He wanted to be wanted so badly, he wanted some one to love him. No matter how bitter Deuce was to him, she had a place in his heart. Then there was Colibri, oh how he loved her, how he wanted to start over with her, but she just up and left him to join the pack that Deuce was in. He wanted to know what he had done wrong to make her leave him. He left Deuce just to be with her. The black male walked around the borders of the lands he was really had a lack of want to do any thing. Sleeping was the only thing right now that he found joy in. With a yawn the male picked up a sent of the pack where Deuce lived, and Colibri, why did she have to leave him?

He put a smile on, he pushed him-self to look happy, to look like he still didn't have a worry in the world. He didn't want a soul to know what's going on in his life. Seeing Iskata, the male felt like some of the sadness roll off his chest. He loved talking to the lady, granted they didn't see eye to eye, but it some one that he felt really he could grow to trust and enjoy having around, and talking to. "Awwww..Sugar lips you came back I knew our talk would have to coming back to me!" His voice was light and full of laughter. He was waiting on a smart remark to come back from her mouth.

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