bend, not break
DaVinci hadn't known what had possessed him to walk into unknown territory in lands he knew from his own past weren't too friendly towards wolves, and sometimes even hybrids themselves. The silvery steel boy traced through the lands after the girl, he wasn't for certain exactly where Inferni's lands lay except in what general area, but he wasn't about to leave his sibling in their mists. His father had come from the creatures of the clan and he knew the dangers that they could present to any wolf if given the chance.. which he had a feeling Firefly would be one to give them the chance, she couldn't exactl keep her tongue curbed at times.

The stormy eyes male watched the tawny lass as she kept up with him, he was rather impressed with the girl who had to be in pain from her wound but he wasn't about to tell her to go back, even when they'd reached the clan's lands. He kept quiet and guarded her back as she seemed to pick up her pace, suddenly he knew why when the soft scent of his sibling caught his attention. There was sharp spikes in her scent that he'd rarely every caught from the small spirited fae, but he caught them now. Terror and fear were mingled together around his small sibling's confinements.

He let the packmate move ahead as he heard her voice calling for Firefly, as she moved to the window he walked around to the door, lowering his face to the floor and staring into the gloomy interior, catching sight of a small pile of rags that just barely seemed to be moving. He hadn't realized he was holding his breath until it hissed between his teeth. "She's alive!" he exclaimed to Alexey as he pressed his face closer to the warped wood and spoke up, his voice a soft moan as moonlight cast across her pelt from the window Alexey was in. "Firefly.. " He hadn't expected them to treat her too kindly, but the bruised a battered form of his sister wasn't what he expected to view.

He quickly rose to his feet and joined Alexey at the window, both their faces pressed to the small frame as their shoulders colided, compressing them together like peas in a pod as he looked down with pity at his kid sister.

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