bend, not break
Firefly wasn't sure what in the world to think, her ears pressed against her skull as her emerald eyes shined dully in the moonlight. She almost wanted to laugh at Alexey's words as she tried to find the words to tell Firefly that she was wrong. How could she be wrong when she'd been here long enough to know what would happen if they were found out. She snarled at her friend and shook her head. "No! You don't understand!" Her heart beat faster as she limped to the window and stretched herself up to meet the two faces that had come to rescue her. "What would happen if they caught you too! Then where would we be!" She winced as she pulled herself up to the small window and the words were hissed from within the cage.

Her orbs turned from one face to the other then back to Alexey as she asked halfheartedly. "Where did you find him.." she shook her head sadly, "Don't listen to anything he says.. his plans always land us in a world of trouble..." Actually they had been her plans that normally had caught them grief but she knew DaVinci would always let her place the blame on him. She sighed and turned her face away from the two, not wanting them to see the real hurt and pain she tried to hide.

She dropped down from the window and turned away from the two as she closed her eyes and said softly. "Just.. tell Haku.. tell him I'm sorry.." she wished that her brother had been able to have come back at a better time when she wasn't being held hostage in enemy lands with a shadow of fear over her head and defeat in her heart.

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