bend, not break

Alexey instinctively returned the snarl directed at her, ten times louder. She was losing her patience. Firefly had accused her of not understanding, but what was it that she supposedly didn't understand? The two-year-old might've been in a better position than her friend currently was, but she sure as hell knew in how much trouble they would be if Inferni found them. She had the scars to prove it. Ahren and Ahemait had given her the beating of her life, but Lexey was willing to suffer twice as much if it meant saving the two-toned teenager.

She remained silent for the time being, not wanting to say something she might regret later on. Her rage was slowly seeping through, making itself known in her golden eyes. The girl reminded her of Adelaida. Alexey already had a stubborn sibling to deal with, she didn't need another one. "Coming here was my idea, not his." she said sharply, gazing defiantly into her eyes of emerald green. As the teenager turned away from them, the Koios femme finally snapped and called out to her. "Firefly Sadira! Don't you dare turn your back on me!" At that very moment, Lexey was the spitting image of her mother.

"And I ain't telling Haku anything. You're going to tell him yourself."


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